Students in Canada have to file tax returns ?

Why do international students in Canada have to file tax returns?

  • If working part-time, the tax would have been deducted which they can get the refund as tuition fee is an eligible deduction to claim GST/HST Credit.
  • If paying rent could be eligible for the Ontario trillium benefit.

How much it costs to file a tax return?

Free and sometimes max $ 20- $ 100. Benefit certainly much more.

Is there any E-platform for that in Canada?

Yes, If you already filed a return last year and if you had “my account ” with CRA, all T4, T4 As appearing there. If not filed before, still can open “my account “ with CRA with your Sin number.

What is required to file the tax return?

Last year notice of assessment (if already filed the last year), T4 & Tuition receipt, rental receipt, medical expense, other receipts for eligible expenses.

But if they fail to provide? 

Even if the employer doesn’t provide, you should include income in the return.

What If tax has been deducted but T4 not provided by the employer?

It is the responsibility of the employer to issue T4 by Feb 28.

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