The growth of more than 50% in Bachelors degree course admissions at Canadian universities from India!
Canadian universities are reporting growth of 50% or more in Indian undergraduate commencements for this year. Many of the Indian students are prepared to study abroad for their undergraduate degree’s now, whereas in the past Indian students more typically traveled abroad for graduate studies. Finally, Indian families started looking at sending students to study Undergraduate in Canada. The main reason could be the opportunity to work in Canada for three years post-graduation, and perceptions that Canada is a safe and culturally diverse society with an exceptionally strong educational system.
Many institutions are happily making room for increased numbers this year, managed growth is one of the emerging themes in Canadian admissions for 2017/18. Larger institutions will have little trouble accommodating more students, particularly at the undergraduate level. But some are looking at growth this year with a view to largely maintaining their current international–domestic enrollment mix.